website development pakistan
5 Creative Ways to Attract More Customers Online In Pakistan
April 1, 2018
wordpress web development pakistan
Why Should You Invest in WordPress Website Development in Pakistan?
April 5, 2018
website development pakistan
5 Creative Ways to Attract More Customers Online In Pakistan
April 1, 2018
wordpress web development pakistan
Why Should You Invest in WordPress Website Development in Pakistan?
April 5, 2018

Designing a website calls for an attention to detail and skills to master. It is not something that one can learn over night with the help of website builders introduced in the market these days. Over the years, there has been a significant progress in the IT industry.

Breathing life in an inanimate object (the website) is a professional skill that can not be done without expertise. The aesthetic skills coupled up with a user-friendly experience is what makes a website beautiful.

We can witness that progress in the form of technological advancements and innovations that transformed website designing and web development in Pakistan.


Responsive Web Design Is Going To Stay

Website responsiveness doesn’t come as a fad. One size doesn’t fits all!

That is why Google takes website responsive very seriously. Google has already updated the web design industry that website responsiveness is an important factor for ranking in 2017. That being said, the increased number of smartphone searchers has surpassed desktop searchers.

Now, more people are online through their smartphones as before so it becomes important for your website to be mobile responsive. When you hire a digital marketing agency for website designing in Lahore or web development services make sure that they make your website mobile responsive.

Google is going to penalize websites for not being responsive. You will see that only a professional digital marketing agency in Lahore will impart the latest knowledge regarding web designing in Pakistan.


Websites Must Load Faster Now

Slow loading time is a thing of the past. Now the users want to quickly navigate through the website. They want the website to be loaded faster so they can find the relevant information swiftly. This is due to the fact that easy navigation and a faster loading website plays an integral part in elevating the user experience.

According to a latest research regarding website load time and speed, around 50% of the mobile users will abandon a page if it doesn’t load in 10 seconds.

Easy navigation partnered with a fast loading time goes exceptionally well with the user as it enhances visitor’s experience drastically.


Choose The Typography That Speaks About Your Business

When we talk about the font style, you may remember that in the past, it was just Times New Roman and Arial that we use for most of the websites. However, the latest trends in web designing in Lahore have shifted significant importance to modern and contemporary Typography style.

The font on your website is now known as a key element in designing your business website. These fonts styles have specific typefaces that helps to represent different style, mood and taste for your business. When designing a logo, website, brochure or marketing collateral, keep the font consistent across all the marketing channels to ensure that your brand image is consistent everywhere.


Include Multimedia For Enhanced User Experience

3d videos, 2d videos, Whiteboard video animations or even an interactive presentation on your website can be an effective mean to communicate with your audience. With the help of our whiteboard video animations in Pakistan, you can help them to understand the benefits of your core product or service.