how to start a restaurant in pakistan
How To Start A Restaurant In Pakistan?
May 10, 2018
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how to start a restaurant in pakistan
How To Start A Restaurant In Pakistan?
May 10, 2018
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March 15, 2021

Launching your new restaurant can take a lot toll on your mind and health. But still you need to think of creative ideas to do a grand launch for your restaurant business. In this article, you can find the most creative and converting business ideas for the launch of your new/remodeled restaurant. So , let’s get started:


Tip #1: Offer Freebies/Food Samples

We all know how attracted we are to campaigns that offer freebies.

When it comes to your grand launch anything “Free” such as free drinks, appetizers or even a free T-shirt would work great for spreading positive word of mouth across the people.

You can also set up a booth at a local super market that caters to people who belongs to your target market. You can offer free food sampling from your menu to give the public a taste of your unique restaurant dishes.

Hand them the sample menus along with free appetizer or discount coupons with an invitation to your grand launch. This leads to creating an interest and desire in your target audience so they come back and visit your restaurant to avail the discounts or coupons.

By focusing on these people you can eventually invest in building a tribe of your Brand Advocates.


Tip #2: Partner up with a Cause

This would be another grand launch campaign idea that can highlight your business’s focus on building a happy community.

Partnering up with a Charity foundation helps you to establish your CSR campaign. You can donate a percentage of every order to a charity foundation or a cause.

This is another tip for marketing your grand opening and a great way to introduce more people to your restaurant while showing you care about your community.

A banner on your social media platforms and website can also influence people about your association with a good cause. You can learn how to promote your restaurant through a website here.


Tip #3: Offer a Comeback Perk

When you launch your new business, remember it is easy to invest your money and resources in building a loyal fellow base rather then investing on bringing new clients to your restaurants.

Your local customers are your Brand Advocates.

They do free advertising for your company by telling others about the unique food taste and ambiance of your restaurant.

It is always great to offer a comeback perk to your loyal customers by offering them a discount on next purchase in a given period of time. This entice them to visit your restaurant again within the specified time to redeem the discount.


Tip 4# Start Facebook/Instagram Campaign

A well developed Facebook or Instagram marketing campaign designed and developed by professional digital marketing company can help you to spread the buzz across your target market.

Through social media marketing, you can target the right audience that is looking for places to dine out or to order online .

You can reach thousands of people who would be interested in your food business. You can also read more about digital marketing services to grow restaurant business here.




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